Castel-Regis Pier

Cale de Castel Régis
Emplacemenr de la cale de Castel Régis.


High tide

Low tide
.... Situated in the Southeast corner of the bay , this pier , offers a 2,70 m high stone quay with13 steps landing stairs , and a 3m 80 wide stone ramp driving onto hard sand allowing easy launchings.
When the nearby " Roche de mi-marée " is covered with water , the depth of water along the quay is over 1m.
On the pier itself where cars may be driven , water taps and electricity plugs are at yachtsmen disposal.
.... This pier was built at the end of the 19th century , when sailing traders loaded and unloaded shallots or linen.
It was also frequently used by normand " Bisquines " , to deliver fresh fish , carried in 1h 30 into Landerneau where they were shipped by train to Paris.
... The pier can be reached , via rue de la Corniche . There is a car parking area nearby.